INFO CONTATTI: 010.0899602 - 010.0899603 - 392.5304268 - OPPURE CLICCATE QUI

Centro LiberaMente    Medical Psychological Pedagogical Centre

Genova (Italy), Corso Buenos Aires 21/C  (right stair) – postal code: 16129 


Tel. & fax: (+39) 010.0899602 – 010.0899603

Mobile: (+39) 392.5304268

PEC:  (certified mail) 

Skype: centroliberamente

facebook: Centro LiberaMente

GPS:    +44° 24′ 8.23″, +8° 57′ 11.56″    (44.402350, 8.953200)


For immediate contact with the Centro LiberaMente you can use the form below. Data and content of communications received will be treated by professionals within the Center, according to the privacy, do not appear on the website and will not be disclosed to third parties.

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    Clicca QUI per leggere l'informativa privacy estesa.

    Accettazione trattamento dati sensibili Informativa privacy ai sensi dell’art. 13 D.Lgs 196/2003

    Completa la verifica

    In accordance with the guidelines issued by the Privacy Authority (Official Gazette no. 42, February 20, 2012) to regulate the use of personal data on Web sites devoted to health, we are publishing this notice to inform the user when the measures necessary to protect the confidentiality of the contents in the web space dedicated to them. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can not enter your name and surname of the registration data, using instead a nickname that does not allow to go back to its identity. The contact information (such as the e-mail address) are not automatically published on the site along with user comments. With respect to any posting we recommend: Evaluate the necessary attention to the opportunities in their operations, to include, or not, personal information, including e-mail, which can reveal, even indirectly, the identity, to assess the opportunity to publish, or not, photo or video that can be identified or made identifiable people and places, paying particular attention to the possibility to include data that might reveal, even indirectly, the identity of third parties.



    For the online payment of the agreed services with the professionals of the Center LiberaMente, you can use the form by clicking on the “Pay Now”. The system accepts credit cards and prepaid cards.